Le$$ons from the Great Cheaters
Got a cheating story? Send it in!

Real Drugs, Fake Drugs & Candidates on Drugs

September 7, 2016

“Hey Cheater, how come you’ve been so quiet lately? Seems like there’s a lot going on for you to talk about, from the Olympics to the campaigns to every day ho-hum scams. What up?”

The Cheater Says: Talk is cheap, but I’m not. All that cheating you mention? Yeah, that’s me. My doing. I’ve just been too busy consulting with these heroes to write blogs for free.
Just remember: Every time you see something sketchy, unethical, a slimy in the news… I’m involved. Buy this book or book this talk for more.

Here are some drugs:
Real – Epipens
Real – Russian ‘Roids
Fake – Theranos: How Elizabeth Holmes’s House of Cards Came Tumbling Down
Campaign – Pay to Play, Mr. Trump?*
*I mean, really, his whole campaign/career/life is just an inspiring case study for my book/course/life. More on this grifting hero to come (& in the book already)!

Filed under: News — @ 8:33 am

Donald Trump Stole My Bankruptcy Ideas. Good.

June 11, 2016

Our next Pre$ident is, obviously, stealing all the ideas in this amazing book. Good for him.

Here’s the NY Times crying like a baby about “How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions.

And, here – ironically from Chapter 18 – is where he got the idea:

If all else fails, declare bankruptcy, grab your severance, and let everyone else fight it out. It’s that simple. Really. Bankruptcy allows your deliberate and destructive misdeeds to be forgiven and to be done all over again. Along with its cousin Restate, Bankrupt is a Great Cheater’s best – and most legitimate – friend.

Details below… (more…)

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 8:35 am

Once Upon A Time In Cheating

December 10, 2015

WOW! We did it.

Last year The Cheater did a piece for Fuse TV about how to cheat to raise money to buy the Wu Tang Clan album, “Once Upon A Time In Shaolin.”

Well, guess what? Martin Shkreli – the guy who cheated his way to millions in pharma – bought the album.

We cheat you not.

Here’s the Fuse TV piece:

Here’s Shkreli learning the ropes:

Here’s your chance to do the same: Get Rich Cheating

Filed under: Advice,Video — @ 7:30 am

How Not To Get Caught Cheating, #572 & 573

October 27, 2015

Tip #572:  Give The Police Fake Badges & Feather Bullets

Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Limiting Political Corruption Inquiries

If being an outlaw is outlawed, only outlaws will have outlaw.


Tip # 573: Build An Army Of Cheaters

Earnings Misstatements Come in Bunches, Study Says

They can’t catch us all.

Filed under: News — @ 6:26 am

Now It Can Be Told…

September 27, 2015

Martin Shkreli – the hedge fund guy who bravely raised a drug’s price 5000% – learned from the best.

(Check his desk & monitor).

Filed under: News — @ 4:27 pm

Cheat Dump

September 16, 2015

So much cheating lately, sorta feel like my work here is done.  Nonetheless, these recent news stories caught my assistant’s eye.

Hedge Fund Manager Buys Rights To Critical Drug, Hikes Price By 5000%
This is exactly why I wrote the book & tour the show.  Go get ’em, cheaters!

Cheat! It’s the Only Way to Get Published
I liked this article in the original book form. You clearly stole the idea from… Oh! Well done.

The Man Who Got No Whammies
Life is a game show waiting to be scammed. For money.

Americs’ Most Admired Lawbreaker
What, it’s Johnson & Johnson? Not me?  Fine, we can both be awesome, rich, cheaters.  #FirstOne’sFree

Comedian (not me!) Lies About 9/11 Experience, Get Rich Cheating Weighs In

Filed under: News — @ 9:55 am

$afe Keeping

June 15, 2015

When Private Equity Firms Give Retirees The Short End

The Cheater Says:  Private equity is a safe place for your pensions like the Catholic church is a safe place for your kids.
$end ’em over!!

Filed under: News — @ 9:44 am

FIFA Opinion

June 3, 2015

This guy here, he gets it.

“So much of our corruption is in plain sight these days. The events of the last decade lead invariably to the conclusion that in every booth on the midway every wheel is conspicuously rigged.”

You’re welcome.  – The Cheater

Filed under: News — @ 8:20 am

Cheat Dump

June 1, 2015

It’s a new month, and time to reflect upon some great cheating.  We all know about the headline grabbers – like FIFA and the NFL and the billion dollar election and the big big bank settlement (if not, be sure to follow our twitter) – but here are a few under-the-radar schemes you may have missed.

Who Will Watch the Charities?” (NYT op-ed written by one-time Get Rich Cheating guest)

Piles of Overseas Profits Investors Can See but Not Touch

A Choice for Recovering Addicts: Relapse or Homelessness

New Ways to Crash the Market

Read, learn, copy, enrich and enjoy!  – The Cheater



Filed under: News — @ 6:49 am

Run For The Money

May 4, 2015

On the latest entrant into the “raise your profile for book deals and speaker fees event” (a.k.a. Running for President 2016):

Carly for Prez!!
When @CarlyFiorina drove HP into the ground, her severance was *only* $21 million.
A man would’ve gotten $28M.
In fact, he did.
@MarkVHurd followed her & got a $28M severance.
75 cents on dollar, ladies.

Filed under: News — @ 6:44 am

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