Le$$ons from the Great Cheaters
Got a cheating story? Send it in!

Cheat Dump

May 15, 2013

The Cheater Says: Been busy counting money, so here are a few recent in$pirations…

• Enron’s Skilling Gets Out of Jail Early
• The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the ‘Recovery,’ While the Rest of Us Have Lost $669 Billion
• Obama Nominates a Penny for Some Bucks
• Rich Manhattan moms hire handicapped tour guides so kids can cut lines at Disney World
• No Rich Child Left Behind
• See me on TV talking Sanford, Weiner, and other traditional cheaters finding “redemption”/a way to make more money.
• The awesome power of high-speed trading:

More $oon…

Filed under: News,Video — @ 6:11 pm

Our Tax $ecrets Revealed… Literally

April 4, 2013

Giant Investigative Document Dump Gives View “Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze”

The Cheater Says: Hey, you can’t spell “Making billions with illicit offshore tax havens” without “illicit offshore tax haves.” Happy tax season!

Filed under: News — @ 10:16 am

Cheaters Unite!

April 1, 2013

Rupert Murdoch Honors Jeff Kreisler… Again!

The Cheater Says: Birds of a feather, cheat together…

Filed under: Reviews — @ 7:59 am

In$piration: Richard Nixon

March 28, 2013

Nixon Sabotaged End of Vietnam War

The Cheater Says: You already knew he was Watergate sneaky, and a platinum recording artist, but did you know he cost thousands of lives and international peace just to win an election… and get power… and get what? Money. Exactly. No, he is not a crook… he’s a cheater. And a genius. And a hero.

Filed under: News — @ 8:18 am

Our $ecret is Out!

March 13, 2013

And The Banks Get Off Easy – by Charlie Pierce

The Cheater Says: So, yeah, everybody knows what the problem is… but not everybody’s smart enough to jump aboard the problem and milk it for millions why they can… Except for you, my aspiring cheaters. Read, repeat, & reap…

Filed under: News,Reviews,Video — @ 10:18 am

More from the Vampire Squid

March 11, 2013

Goldman Sachs is “Rigging the IPO Game”

The Cheater Says: Well, duh. What they don’t know, can help me.

Filed under: News — @ 9:17 am

Don’t Look In There

February 11, 2013

Republicans Killing Consumer Watchdog

The Cheater Says: If the Fox guarding the hen house starts acting up… shoot him.

Filed under: News — @ 10:32 am

The Sports Guy Gets It

February 2, 2013

Daring to Ask the PED Question

The Cheater Says
: I assume the question is “How do I get some?” I’ll give you the answer.

Filed under: News,Shows — @ 8:58 am

Cheating on TV tonight

January 30, 2013

The Cheater will be on Viewpoint on Current TV tonight at 8pm EST, discussing A-Rod, Ray Lewis, and the Almighty.

The Cheater Says: The Almighty Dollar or the Almighty God? Tune in… (And then come to the show/seminar in Washington DC on Feb 9 to learn more).

Filed under: News — @ 12:56 pm

If at first you do succeed, cheat, cheat again…

January 12, 2013

Rick Scott – record setting Medicare fraudster turned Governor – lies about Medicaid in order to profit politically.

The Cheater Says: Medicaid, Medicare… Potato, Potahto… I am just so proud of my former student,* Rick Scott. He personifies the Get Rich Cheating method. Go Rick!

* Do you want to be like Rick? A cheating, powerful, rich, scumbag? Come to my seminar in Washington DC on February 9th and learn how!

Filed under: News,Shows — @ 12:03 pm

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