Le$$ons from the Great Cheaters
Got a cheating story? Send it in!

Cheat Dump

May 15, 2013

The Cheater Says: Been busy counting money, so here are a few recent in$pirations…

• Enron’s Skilling Gets Out of Jail Early
• The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the ‘Recovery,’ While the Rest of Us Have Lost $669 Billion
• Obama Nominates a Penny for Some Bucks
• Rich Manhattan moms hire handicapped tour guides so kids can cut lines at Disney World
• No Rich Child Left Behind
• See me on TV talking Sanford, Weiner, and other traditional cheaters finding “redemption”/a way to make more money.
• The awesome power of high-speed trading:

More $oon…

Filed under: News,Video — @ 6:11 pm

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