Le$$ons from the Great Cheaters
Got a cheating story? Send it in!


December 13, 2009

The Cheater Says: People wonder why I haven’t said more about Tiger’s cheating. After all, I am the Cheating Expert.

Well, problem is, he’s doing it wrong. You’re supposed to Get Rich Cheating, not Lose Sponsorship Money (i.e. Get Poor) Cheating. I don’t want to teach aspiring cheaters through negatives – how does it help you act if I just say “Don’t fail like Tiger or Ghandi or Mandela”? I only offer you positive, inspiring role models like Madoff and A-Rod and Ken Lay and Ashlee Simpson and the usual.

Though, I admit, he does offer an interesting peak into the psyche of cheater… He didn’t just cheat once. He did it many times.

As you’ll all learn, the your first cheat is exhilarating – whether it’s infidelity, falsifying your SEC filings, rigging an election, getting cast in a tv show, or winning the Tour de France.

What’s even more exciting – what’s the real addictive impulse – is when you don’t get caught. It is that moment. Time will stop. You will be bathed in the light of knowledge and power as you realize the rules don’t apply to you, because there are no rules. Nothing can stop you from getting another $3 million bonus, another gold medal, another cocktail waitress. You will be transformed. You will be reborn. You will Get Rich Cheating.

I will be there to help.

Now, go forth, my friends, to victory.

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 9:16 pm

If at first you don’t succeed, Cheat Cheat again…

December 3, 2009

Wall St. Finds Profits Again, Now by Reducing Mortgages

The Cheater Says: Instead of curing polio, our greatest minds are now furiously figuring out how to skim 10% off of everything. Awesome!
Remember: If there are enough of us cheaters, they’ll never catch us all.

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 5:59 pm

The Hand of Cheat

Referees’ Role in Scandal Under Scrutiny in Europe

The Cheater Says: Referees, Compensation Committees, Voting Machines, “They Hollywood Reporter”… those who judge, are those who enable Great Cheating. Make friend$ with them.

The Cheater Also Says: Whatever you call it – soccer, football, the beautiful game, a bread and circus precursor to Rome’s fall – it’s still cheating, glorious cheating. Gooooooooal!

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 5:56 pm

International Lessons In Cheating

November 27, 2009

Many of my fans – readers of the book, attendees of the seminars, dreamers of the dreasm – want to know how I find the great lessons for Great Cheating. As a service to you, aspiring cheaters, I hereby present the first “Reading With The Cheater,” a chance to see what I see, learn what I learn, cheat what I cheat.
This is how I see the news. So, sit back, relax, and let the money roll in…

“Taint of Corruption Is No Barrier to U.S. Visa.”
By IAN URBINA, November 17, 2009.
Several times a year, Teodoro Nguema Obiang arrives at the doorstep of the United States from his home in Equatorial Guinea, on his way to his $35 million estate in Malibu, Calif., his fleet of luxury cars, his speedboats and private jet. And he is always let into the country.
The Cheater Says: See, that’s why you cheat. The toys you get. Whoever Dies With The Most Stuff Wins.

The nation’s doors are open to Mr. Obiang, the forest and agriculture minister of Equatorial Guinea and the son of its president, even though federal law enforcement officials believe that “most if not all” of his wealth comes from corruption (more…)

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 1:37 pm

ThanksCheating Holiday

November 25, 2009

There’s so much cheating and stealing and deception and fraud, let’s not lose sight of the important things. Like this:

The Cheater Says: I stole that video.

Filed under: Advice,Video — @ 7:36 am

Lost In Cheat

November 16, 2009

Blackwater Said to Pursue Bribes to Iraq After 17 Died
In House, Many Spoke With One Voice: Lobbyists’
Two Are Charged With Helping Madoff Falsify Records
Ex-Louisiana Congressman Sentenced to 13 Years
U.S. Adviser to Kurds Stands to Reap Oil Profits
A.I.G. Chief’s Mission: Save Executive Pay

The Cheater Says: Sometimes I get so busy counting, stealing, and re-counting my own money, I forget that you, my friends, need some real-life In$pirations. Apologies. Study, learn, and do as they did (minus getting caught).

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 8:22 pm

Your Second Cheat

November 3, 2009

Steroid User A-Rod is Redeemed

The Cheater Says: See, just like Great Cheating Yankee teammate Andy Pettitte, he knew to simply fess up early on and eventually he’d get back in the limelight, making tons of fans, money, and purple lipstick.

Sidebar: Mark McGwire never admitted steroid use and was recently hired as a Major League hitting coach. So, no matter the strategy, remember, aspiring cheats: Tragedy (getting caught) + Time = Mo’ Money

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 11:55 am

Attorney-Cheater Privilege

September 21, 2009

Congress May Force Bank of America to Testify

The Cheater Says: Hearing tips for a Great Cheater;
– Don’t get sworn in
– Plead The Fifth
– Wear a flag pin
– Have your wife (or a sympathetic actress playing the same) sit behind you.
– Your kids, too (if they’re cute, in a wheelchair, or have the whooping cough)
– Start answers with “Senator, I love freedom”
– Do not, under any circumstances, be a minority, a woman, or gawd forbid both.

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 6:34 am

Fannie Cheat and Cheatie Mac

September 9, 2009

Taxpayers Foot Cheaters Legal Defense Bills

The Cheater Says: The gov’ment made ’em, the gov’ment paid ’em, the gov’ment bailed ’em out, and the gov’ment paid for them to claim they didn’t cheat… even though they did. Nice. Never stop milking it.

Thanks to alibeamish for the tip!

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 9:31 am

Pharamcheaticul Success!

September 4, 2009

The drug industry is closely watching a trial in NYC – the first of about 900 state & federal cases – over the side effects from Merck’s Fosamax. Merck, you may recall, also produced Vioxx, which garnered a $4.5 billion-ish settlement for about 200 court cases. Despite the litigation, Merck company stock has actually been upgraded to “strong buy”… for plaintiff’s attorney.

Across the pharmaceutical hallway, Pfizer will pay $2.3 billion to end allegations that it illegally marketed Bextra… just like it illegally marketed Neurontin… just like it’ll illegally market ‘Stop Hitting Yourself.’® Stop Hitting Yourself.® Why are you hitting yourself?

So, let me get this straight: Pfizer’s the one is the one who’ll lie to you, but Merck’s the one that’ll kill you? Got it.

The $2.3 billion is less than three weeks of Pfizer’s sales, so, it’s unlikely to stop their practice. In fact, a recently released document shows how drug companies use their marketing power to sell ineffective, but expensive, pills on an uninformed and vulnerable public. Well, duh… as all cheaters know. People Are Dumb.

Amy Schulman, Pfizer’s general counsel summed it up best:
“The vast majority of our employees spend their lives dedicated to bringing truly important medications to patients and physicians in an appropriate manner.”

What she left unsaid is that a small minority of their employees… don’t. That small minority squeezes every last dollar out of our worthless lives, and that small minority is in charge.

The Cheater Says: Kudos, drug industry. You’ve cheated yourself quite rich.

Filed under: Advice,News — @ 10:15 am

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