Al Franken wins U.S. Senate seat.
The Cheater Says: Using humor to gain celebrity; using celebrity to run for office; using counting shenanigans and the court system to win office; using office to make your friends rich… Brilliant!
Le$$ons from the Great Cheaters
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Al Franken wins U.S. Senate seat.
The Cheater Says: Using humor to gain celebrity; using celebrity to run for office; using counting shenanigans and the court system to win office; using office to make your friends rich… Brilliant!
“Private Banker Moved Funds Undetected”
The Cheater Says: Cheating: So easy, even someone from Sanford’s mistress’ home country can do it.
For running a massive Ponzi scheme, Bernie Madoff got 150 years in prison, though he told investors it was 175 years… and they each told two investors it was 190 years… and so on and so on and so on…
Are we sure he’s really going to prison? The man stole $60 billion… are you telling me he can’t afford a clone?
At least he kept his pleas for mercy sane. When the CEO of Brocade Communications was sentenced for a backdated option scandal – you know, changing the date of something in the past, time travel, using a Delorean, 1.21 gigawatts, and Michael J. Fox – he said, “I’m sorry. There is much that I regret, and if I could turn back the clock, I would.” Um. Isn’t that what got him into this situation in the first place? That’s like Jeffrey Dahmer telling a judge, “I’m sorry. There’s much that I regret, and if I could just kidnap and eat all my mistakes, I would.”
Representative John Conyer’s wife pleads guilty to bribery
The Cheater Says: Your husband has tried to investigate and stop cheating (in Ohio, Karl Rove, and elsewhere). Cheating doesn’t like that. Cheating will protect itself. Don’t mess with Cheating.
“One can easily envision Jeff Kreisler as a guest on The Colbert Report, sharing a volley of sarcastic banter with the conservative political pundit caricature extraordinaire. Why? He’s funny, he has mad political criticism skills and, as his new book, Get Rich Cheating: The Crooked Path to Easy Street, reveals, he’s shrewdly corrupt – well, sort of.”
The Cheater Says: Sort of? Sort of? No, I am shrewdly corrupt. Read more of this hippie liberal blathering on
With Bernie’s sentencing approaching, the memories are flooding back. Here’s a short vid that The Cheater made this winter. Enjoy.
Bernie Madoff will be sentenced on June 29
The Cheater Says: Or will he? Guy stole $60 billion… you telling me he can’t afford a clone?
Sarah Palin’s Legal Debt is Over $500,000
The Cheater Says: Lots of ways out of this. Write a book. Sell back some clothes. Go on a fundraising junket. Done all that? Okay, file for bankruptcy. Northwest Airlines did it the day before they had to pay a $65 million debt to their pension… so why can’t you?
Kids See Hi-Tech Cheating as O.K.
The Cheater says: … cheat them well, and let them cheat the cheat. Cheat them all the cheating they possess insiiiiiiide.