Former Ref’s Tell-All Book Canceled Under Pressure from NBA
The Cheater Says: Good work, NBA! Keep your game-rigging and star-promoting under wraps so you can keep bringing in the coin!
Le$$ons from the Great Cheaters
Got a cheating story? Send it in!
Former Ref’s Tell-All Book Canceled Under Pressure from NBA
The Cheater Says: Good work, NBA! Keep your game-rigging and star-promoting under wraps so you can keep bringing in the coin!
Companies Are Gaming The System To Beat Wall Street Expectations
The Cheater Says: Duh. That’s the entire point of Chapter 24: Great Expectations. Hey Huffpo, welcome to the land of “providing wealth-building secrets 6 months after I did.” What timely revelation will you have next, steroids help athletes?
Not content to wait for “This Week In Cheating,” a single newspaper page held enough cheating for a whole seven days. Business page B3 of the New York Times on Wednesday, October 21 held these four, and only these four, stories:
Looks like Mariano Rivera dropped something on that ball:
The Cheater Says: Duh. The guy’s being paid like the greatest closer of all time even though he blew the three biggest games of this decade (2001 Game 7, 2004 Game 4 & 5). He’s just doing what he gots to do to maintain his image so he can make more money. He’s the Paris Hilton of baseball.
The anti-reform study put out by the health insurance industry is bogus.
The Cheater Says: “I’m shocked, shocked!” – Captain Renault’s reaction to fabricated studies by insurers, drug companies, political parties, etc. etc. etc.
The Cheater Says: I’m a terrible infant, huh? Who cares. This baby is rich!
The New York Times has the gall to mention “Get Rich Cheating” in this article.
The Cheater Says: Even includes a picture of me cheating at poker. Stupid liberal media.
Ex-Political Boss Pleads Guilty in Pension Case
Brooke Astor’s Son Guilty of Defrauding Her
The Cheater Says: If you can, cheat it there, you’ll cheat it, anywhere…
As Economy Crashed, Banks Made A Killing On Overdraft Fees
The Cheater Says: Well, duh. Preying on desperation and fear? That’s the AmeriCheat way!
“Goldman to be paid $1bn (from taxpayers) if CIT fails”
The Cheater Says: Heads I win, tails you lose.